Monday, August 25, 2014

This was a project I worked on during the summer before junior year. Under the guidance of Professor SangBae Kim at MIT Biomimetics lab, I 3D printed a fully functional scale model of Theo Jansen's Strandbeest. 

Printing parts using 3D printer.
All the parts needed for one leg.

Half of the strandbeest assembled. The metal axle was bent into shape using a hammer and a vise.
Here you can see the unique shape of the axle.

After printing a base plate, I attached two servos and an Arduino.
Ended up being over a foot long.
Video of completed project here.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

LED resistor calculator

This calculates the number of ohms needed in a resistor when connecting one or more LEDs to a power source.

Monday, July 23, 2012

CDF file test

Move slider to change x

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Image Processing

Original image






When Sigma equals .07

Created using Mathematica

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

9V USB Charger and Flashlight

This is a project that I have been working on for a few days. Made completely out of scratch. It is powered by a 9 volt battery, and can charge USB devices (including  the iPhone) and also has two blue 5mm LED's for a flashlight. Uses the 7805 voltage converter to bring down the 9 volts to 5 volts. The converter can get hot, so I added a mini heat sink I made out of copper enameled wire (not in photo). Two switches, one for converter, one for the LED's. The whole project fits nicely in an Altoids tin. 

Drilled away hole for female USB port then cut it away with tin snips.
Soldered onto the can.

Two switches, one for converter and one for LED.

Messy wiring. 
Charging an iPhone 4

Can light up a small white room easily.
Project idea credit goes to matt.e.jenkins.
If you want my specific schematic and more details, just email me.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

USA vs. Mexico Population

Equation for USA is 1.8638^8 * 1.0114^x + 1.8517^7
Equation for Mexico is 9.8287^8 * 1.0015^x + -9.2925^8

Estimated Population in 2020 is 3.46757 x 10^8 and 1.28978 x 10^8

Estimated Population in 2050 is 4.79483 x 10^8 and 1.76944*10^8

Estimated Population in 2100 is 8.30344 x 10^8 and 2.61766 x 10^8

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Infant Mortality Rate vs. Total Fertility Rate

This graph shows that the total fertility rate decreases with the infant mortality rate.

Created using Mathematica.